- High school students, starting at age of 16, undergraduates from any course and young professionals (all at male gender).

-If you comply with the minimum requirements, you can do your pre-registration by filling the form available below. We are looking forward to know if you have any specific abilities that might be useful at some of the work fronts (i. e., medicine students, wiring abilities, animators,  previous participation in similar projects, or any other you would like to report);
-Once you make your pre-registration, the project’s executive committee will get in touch to let you know if your registration was accepted (we have limited vacancies);
-After approval, the participants must pay the registration fee to confirm their participation in the project. Without payment, the registration will not be confirmed.

Since the project costs are high and payable only through CEAC partnerships with governmental, civil and military organisms, as well as financial help from many cooperators who believe in this initiative, the Solidary Leadership Project needs a fee from the participants.

The cost includes the trip between Brasilia and Campo Alegre, the lodging in Alegre and nourishment (breakfast, lunch and dinner) until the morning of July 22nd.

The taxes are:
- Brazilians: US$ 125,00;
- Latin American and Caribbean countries: US$ 180,00;
- African countries: US$ 150,00;
- North American, European and Oceanian countries: US$200,00.

There are 100 vacancies available and disposed as below:
- 60 vacancies for foreigners;
- 40 vacancies for Brazilians.

If the number of pre-registration applications surpasses the number of vacancies, a waiting list will be made.